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Thoughts on recent events in Sweden

Cel Mai Mare Aliat
Incorect Politic
Ianuarie 20, 2018

We had a typical happening in Sweden.

A police station in Rosengard, Malmo got an explosive surprise several days ago.


A huge TNT explosion has rocked a police station in a Swedish city of Malmo, damaging officers’ cars and the building. The attack, the second of its kind in less than a month, deliberately targeted police, authorities said.

The powerful blast that sent pressure gauges for several hundred meters around, took place in the Rosengard area on Wednesday evening. No one was injured in the incident, however, several cars belonging to police officers and the building’s façade were damaged.”

Just to let you know, the “new swedes” can get hand grenades for around 20 kroner on the black market. Malmo is the the one of the worst places in Sweden to stay

Exterpt from Wikipedia:

Bombings increased significantly in 2015, with Swedish police investigating around 100-150 explosions. There were over 30 grenade attacks reported in the Swedish city of Malmö alone by August 2015, up from a total of 25 in all of 2014. Malmö police have consequently warned about undetonated grenades in the city. According to Swedish police, the use of hand grenades in crime is unprecedented in all comparable European and non-European countries, and the only countries with similar characteristics are those with warlike conditions, such as Mexico with the ongoing drug war and one study suggests it had four to five times as many fatal shootings per capita as Norway and Germany from 2008-2014. Many attacks are related to organised crime and extortion of restaurants and businesses.

In Malmö, the grenades are frequently old weapons from the wars in the Balkans. The police assume that someone imported a large cache of grenades, which has then been distributed to criminal gangs. In addition to grenade attacks, there are a significant number of related bomb attacks with improvised explosive devices, including homemade bombs. The number of incidents involving explosives tripled between 2008 and 2016.

Following the incident police arrested two men in their 20s on suspicion of “devastation endangering the public.” The suspects “are related to criminal activity in Malmo and are well-known to us,” Regional Police Chief Carina Persson told Sveriges Radio.

Rosengard is one of the areas across Sweden listed as “a geographically-defined area characterized by a low socio-economic status where criminals have an impact on the local community.” 

So basically a shithole. Sweden has a lot of no-go zones in which there’s a high change you’ll get robbed or beaten or even killed.

Though, there are some good news.

A NRM member called Jimmy Björk was freed after serving a two month sentence. Now he can finally spend some time with his family and comrades.

The Nordic Resistance Movements had a pretty nice activity in Gothenburg several days ago. Some guys got arrested but thankfully they got released.

Some antifas and shitlibs also appeared and harassed NRM. Those dumb lefties can’t even write English properly.


They probably were so hungry from communism that they ate the letters. Or maybe they were high on crack or weed.

99% of the time the violence gets started by antifas or by the the cops who like to oppress NRM members instead of dealing with rapes and crimes caused by the “new swedes”.

There will be elections in this September.  There is a chance that  NRM gets into parliament. It would be a big FUCK YOU to the system. These guys are heroes. They visited a school where a swede was beaten by a non-white. And the fact they are so persecuted means they are a real Resistance. You can check out their political program here and their podcast Nordic Frontier.

There is no other hope for Sweden. All other parties are cucked. SD is controlled opposition and they don’t really want to end the migration.



The refugees might be bad, but (((the driving force))) behind this crisis is the real problem. Those wars for ZOG in the Middle East and Africa destabilized those areas and caused this wave of shitskins and muslims.


There is only one solution to the refugee problem:




  1. Suedia se pregateste de razoboi civil. In momentul de fata fac un plan de actiune pentru interventia armatei, asta pe de-o parte, pentru ca pe cealalta parte guvernul pregateste legi speciale pentru banarea *stirilor false*, adica incepe o cenzura totala a presei si a libertatii de exprimare, pentru ca jurnalistii care vor scrie orice de rau despre Suedia o sa fie pasibili de puscarie.

  2. Free Speech Forum

    Americans either don’t know or want to know that the US is collapsing or think that nothing can be done to save the USA. Any plans or ideas to slow or escape the decay are quickly shot down as unworkable.

    Instead of demanding that minimum wages be repealed or checkpoints be ended, Americans would rather beg for their chains by asking for more laws.


  3. One wonders if teaching people how to start businesses and ending regulations would be better ways to help people get rich instead of rewarding the lazy with welfare and making them dependent.

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