Home / Știrea zilei / Răzvrătiți-vă


Vlad Voicu
Incorect Politic
Decembrie 22, 2022


  1. “Răzvrătiți-vă!”, adica voi, nu eu.



    “He doesn’t need someone to fight his battles and that’s why he won’t open up to people that easily.
    There is no need for him to do that when he thinks that he can overcome everything on his own.
    He will never ask for help, unless he really needs it.” (nu prea sună a ce a zis Călin Georgescu)

    “Because of the fact that men with a Sigma personality type love to handle things by themselves, they are also the ones who overthink things the most. […]
    He will probably bring up things you have never thought about. His mind is like a hidden realm of weird secrets and theories that only a Sigma male can come up with.”



    “You’ve got my head spinnin’, no kiddin’
    I can’t pin you down
    What’s goin’ on in that beautiful mind?
    I’m on your magical mystery ride
    And I’m so dizzy, don’t know what hit me”

    “He is probably very morally gray and doesn’t bat an eyelid when you confront him about it.
    It’s not that he’s a bad person,”



    “On se fout pas mal de la morale
    On sait bien qu’on fait pas de mal”

    “Another trait of a Sigma male is that he is undoubtedly confident.”



    “I’m so confident…”

    “When people have expectations from a Sigma man, be it good or bad ones, he will do whatever is in his power to show them the opposite.
    For some reason, men with a Sigma personality type always have weird interests.”

  2. Dar e suficient să ne răzvrătim, 30-50% dintre noi, 30-50% din timp și fără să exagerăm, după cum zice dl. Sperling:


    Eu însă nu sunt de acord cu utilizarea verbului “a se răzvrăti”, care după părerea mea are oarece conotații negative, adică dacă nu sunt de acord cu cineva, nu înseamnă că m-am “răzvrătit”. Ca fapt divers, mai aveam un comentariu aici, care era mai interesant decât cel de deasupra. Trebuie să-l repet?

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