Home / Internațional / ȘOC: “Refugiații” din Europa Merg în Vacanță în “Zonele de Război”

ȘOC: “Refugiații” din Europa Merg în Vacanță în “Zonele de Război”

Sterie Ciumetti
Incorect Politic
August 20, 2019

Aceștia sunt refugiații care parazitează Europa.

Unii politicieni germani sunt șocați că aceștia aleagă să cheltuie banii de ajutoare sociale pe excursii în Siria, care se presupune că e zonă de război.


German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer has announced the government will be cracking down on Syrians with asylum status who go on holiday back to Syria.

Bavarian centre-right leader Horst Seehofer said that the government would be looking to strip Syrians who visit their home country on holiday of their asylum status, saying that those who regularly travel to the country cannot make a serious claim that they are being persecuted there, Kronen Zeitung reports.

“We have to deprive them of their refugee status,” Seehofer added and said that the Interior Ministry was monitoring any such activity from Syrians with refugee status living in Germany.

He also said that the government was watching the situation inside Syria closely and said, “If the situation permits, we will carry out repatriations.”

De ce nu ar permita situația?

Războiul civil din Siria s-a sfârșit.

Acum că războiul s-a încheiat, “refugiații” se pot întoarce pe meleagurile lor.

Oricum n-ar fi trebuit să vină în Europa. Războiul din Siria nu-i problema noastră.

The revelations of asylum seekers and refugees making holidays in their home countries — where they allegedly fled persecution — are not a new development. As early as January of 2017 it was shown that asylum seekers in Switzerland were using welfare cash to go on vacations to Eritrea, despite claiming they risked death if they were ever sent back to the country.

Later that year the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) admitted they were also aware of cases in which refugees had travelled to their home countries and lamented that no laws existed at the time to prevent them from doing so.

Earlier this year, noted Syrian refugee blogger Aras Bacho complained that he would like to go and visit Syria this summer but was unable to and said he knew at least six other Syrians who want for a holiday in Syria.

“Unfortunately, I was unable to go on holiday to Syria because something very important got in the way, and I hope to catch up very soon during the holidays. Germany is stressful and you need some kind of break,” he said.

O da, trăind de pe banii altora și violându-le femeile poate fi extenuant.

Înțeleg perfect de ce le trebuie o “pauză” în zonele de război de unde au fugit de persecuție.

Dar în fapt, vina nu aparține negroizilor, ci trădătorilor care i-au adus aici și jidanilor ce țin lesa.

Aceia sunt inamicii Europei, nu pomanagiii “refugiați” care mor de foame dacă nu primesc ajutoare sociale.

Preluat și adaptat de pe DailyStormer

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