Home / Actualitate / Se permanentizează purtarea botniței peste tot. Vă supun atenției proiectul de lege nr. 31/2021

Se permanentizează purtarea botniței peste tot. Vă supun atenției proiectul de lege nr. 31/2021

Incorect Politic
Februarie 28, 2021

Text primit pe email

Vă supun atenției proiectul de lege nr. 31/2021 care se gaseste postat pe site-ul Camerei Deputatilor aici: http://www.cdep.ro/pls/proiecte/upl_pck2015.proiect?cam=2&idp=19101

Proiectul se refera la legiferarea purtarii mastii in toate spațiile publice, deschise si inchise, pentru toata lumea, adulti si copii. Cuprinde si prevederi legate de legiferarea telemuncii.

Este un proiect foarte important, cu impact social imortant, pe termen lung. Daca va fi votat, procesul colectiv impotriva mastilor, care inteleg ca este in curs, probabil va fi inutil. Nu se va putea obtine anularea deciziei de purtare a mastilor fiindca aceasta decizie va fi deja lege. Se permanentizeaza practic purtarea mastii in toate spațiile publice, atat in spatii inchise, CAT SI IN SPATIILE DESCHISE CONSIDERATE PUBLICE (strazi, parcuri, peste tot), pe perioada starii de alerta care , dupa cum vedem, se prelungește indefinit.

Pe link-ul de la Camera Deputatilor, cititi PDF-urile, mai ales PDF-ul cu titlul ORDONANTA DE URGENTA A GUVERNULUI care cuprinde practic textul proiectului de lege.

După cum vedeti pe pagina, proiectul a trecut tacit de Senat prin expirarea timpului de dezbatere. A fost postat pe site-ul Senatului in noiembrie 2020, dar niciun parlamentar si nici presa nu au reactionat. Probabil toti erau ocupati cu campania electorala, nimeni nu a avut nici o obiectie si proiectul s-a aprobat tacit prin expirarea perioadei de dezbatere in Senat.

Acum a intrat in Camera Deputatilor unde, la fel de discret, a primit deja aviz favorabil de la 5 comisii, inclusiv de la Comisia pt sanatate si familie.

Suntem din nou luați prin surprindere de proiecte de legi dezastruoase, ajunse in Parlament in stadiul final de aprobare.

Ce se mai poate face?

Comisiile de raport pentru acest proiect de lege sunt: Comisia juridica si Comisia pentru munca si protectie sociala. Dupa ce aceste doua comisii vor dezbate proiectul si vor depune cate un raport, proiectul va fi trimis pentru votul in plenul Camerei Deputatilor.

Concret, opiniile si obiectiile se pot trimite pe mail catre aceste doua comisii. Chiar daca am facut un mic rezumat aici, este important ca cei interesati de a trimite obiectii sa citeasca ei inșiși proiectul de lege inainte de a trimite mail, pentru a putea exprima opinii avizate si coerente.

Adesele de mail sunt:
Comisia juridica: cp11@cdep.ro
Comisia pentru munca si protectie sociala: cp07@cdep.ro

De asemenea, se pot trimite mailuri tuturor deputaților pentru ca proiectul va fi votat in plenul Camerei Deputatilor.


  1. nu e nimic surprinzator aici, clasa politica a tradat de la inceputul “democratiei”-anii 90..aia din parlament se sterg la fund cu emailuri si petitii, trei variante 1 marturisim public cu riscul puscariei (ca spaniarda aia Isobel Peralta) 2 vom trai sub radar 3 cand se va imputii treaba luam drumul pustietatilor.

  2. Eu nu stiu ce inseamna botnita si nu voi purta niciodata asa ceva.
    Am pus de proba o astfel de mizerie pe fata si m-am sufocat dupa citiva pasi.
    Dar m-a sufocat cel mai mult ideea de botnita, vezi romanul “Descult” de Zaharia Stancu.
    Organelor de aparare si aplicare ale legii le urez multe “succesuri” in depistarea si pedepsirea mea !

    • heh, eu am primit o amenda ( 600 euro) de la “guardia civil” (aci in Spania) pentru nepurtarea botnitei..

    • Bravo!
      Ce le-am scris si eu la astia de la cmosiia GESTAPO SS:
      NU FITI PARTASI LA ACESTE CRIME IMPOTRIVA UMANITATII ca veti fi JUDECATI ca la NURNBERG si de justitia divina, credeti ca voi scapati de groapa daca faceti acest genocid??? Va trimit niste linkuri pentru a le face publice cu mascarada si escrocheria secolului, mafia oculta care trebuie acuzata de genocid pentru crime impotriva umanitatii! VIDEO cu doamna Sosoaca ce spune adevarul pe fata despre mascarada asta premeditata de mafia GESTAPO SS a ocultei de criminal, dati mai departe ca oamenii sa inteleaga ca sint manipulati si terorizati de mafia WC TV mass media cumparata de securistii din Romania si de Big Pharma alta mafie care executa ordinele amtora ca sa ia banii UE!! Acesti criminali nazisti calai ne iau de idioti si imbecili pe toti, trebuie sa le demascam crimele cum faceau francezii in Rezistenta!

  3. trebuie dat guvernul in judecata pentru sufocarea oamenilor si otravirea lor cu propriul CO2 !
    ORI FACETI O DEMONSTRATIE IN CARE IESE TOATA TARA , cu articolele stiintifice in mana – unul se afla chiar pe acest blog – ori va otraviti copiii !
    Incepeti si imprastiati manifeste cu articolul /ele stiintifice care demonstreaza stiintific ca aceasta lege inseamna legiferarea unei crime guvernamentale contra propriului popor !

    • EXISTA DECLARATIE OMS CA MASTILE SUNT INUTILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      E CARE PE CARE !

    • lumea e atat de proasta si indiferenta incat e nevoie sa fie intaratata rau de tot ca sa iasa in strada, diavolul face tot ce poate ca sa intarate poporul la anarhie.

    • bacteriile din masca intra in creier la unii mai sensibili la meningite si cica le dispare gustul si mirosul. pai daca esti prosti si inhalezi bacterii din masca cum sa nu iti intre in creier, mai ales ca te-ai testat cu betisorul fermecat pana dincolo de sinusuri.
      masca cea mai subtire si mai indulgenta reduce cu 5% oxigenul, ca atare, 5% din celule vor muri si capacitatea de regenerare celulara devine subunitara, pe termen lung esti mort….nu e nevoie de virus pentru genocid, teroarea cu masca e suficienta.
      actionarii de la Pfizer, Moderna, membrii Davos si WEF nu se vaccineaza.

  4. Am trimis inca de acum doua saptamani la toti deputatii si comisiile.

    PLX 31/2021 in dezbateri in Camera Deputatilor
    Ordonanta de urgență pentru modificarea și completarea Legii nr. 55/2020 privind unele măsuri pentru prevenirea și combaterea efectelor pandemiei de COVID 19, precum și pentru modificarea lit. a) a art. 7 din Legea 81/2018 privind reglementarea activității de telemuncă,

    vă trimitem punctul nostru de vedere cât și propunerile privind articolele Legii 55/2020 care se vor a fi modificate.

    Considerații generale

    În primul rând este necesar să precizăm că starea de alertă este introdusă în legislația României în mod neconstituțional tot prin ordonanță de urgență. De aceea la data de 6 Mai 2020 Avocatul Poporului a sesizat Curtea Constituțională a României în temeiul art. 146 lit. (d) din Constituția României.

    Referindu-ne strict la starea de alertă la care face referire prezenta propunere legislativă considerăm că, introducerea acesteia permite in mod abuziv, nu numai dispunerea unor măsuri de restrângere a exercițiului unor drepturi și libertăti fundamentale ci chiar exercitarea unor drepturi naturale așa cum sunt enunțate în lucrarea “Drepturile, libertățile și îndatoririle constituționale” apărută la Institutul Român pentru Drepturile Omului, Buc. 1992, autori Ioan Muraru și Ghe. Iancu: ,,Expresia drepturile omului evocă drepturile ființei umane, ființa înzestrată cu rațiune și conștiință și căreia îi sunt recunoscute drepturile sale naturale, ca drepturi inalienabile și imprescriptibile,,.
    Mai mult, preambulul Declarației Universale a Drepturilor omului recunoaște demnitatea inerentă tuturor membrilor familiei umane și a drepturilor egale și inalienabile care constituie fundamentul libertății, dreptății și păcii în lume,,.

    Mai concret, Art. 1 al documentului stipulează fără echivoc că ,,Toate ființele umane se nasc libere și egale în demnitate și drepturi,, iar articolul 3 adaugă că ,, Orice ființă umană are dreptul la viață, la libertate și la securitatea persoanei,,.
    Revenind la ceea ce înseamnă drepturile naturale menționăm ca acestea sunt drepturi cu care ne naștem, sunt condiție a vieții, lipsa lor fiind incompatibilă cu viața. Considerăm și este biologic valabil, că în cadrul drepturilor naturale se înscriu NEVOILE FIZIOLOGICE ca de exemplu: respirația, hidratarea, hrana, somnul. Toate acestea înseamnă ,,VIATA,, garantată de altfel și în Constituția României, Art. 22 alin. (1).

    Ca ultim argument în defavoarea purtării măștilor la modul general este faptul ca nu există studii de specialitate care să ateste purtarea măștilor timp îndelungat ca fiind una pozitivă, cu aport decisiv și substanțial în combaterea oricărei epidemii. Dacă sunt astfel de studii, legiuitorul nu le-a făcut publice ca fundament al prezentei propuneri legislative sau altora asemănătoare. Dar exista numeroase studii facute de medici si publicat in jurnalul medical PDMJ, care dovedesc ca mastile ofera o falsa siguranta si pericole reale (atasez si documentele traduse in romana):



    New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, and Behaviorally – Montana Daily Gazette

    New Study Finds Masks Hurt Schoolchildren Physically, Psychologically, a…
    A new study, involving over 25,000 school-aged children, shows that masks are harming schoolchildren physically,…

    Volumul Zeitgeist.Tipare culturale și conflicte ideologice, autor Mihail Neamtu conține o atenționare la care subscriem: ,, Revendicarea violenta ( chiar si cea de fata, legislativă! n.n.) a drepturilor colective sfârșește în fapt, prin încălcarea dreptului natural la viată, la libertate și la propria individualitate.,,

    Având în vedere ca în problematica purtării măștilor ca și a vaccinurilor de altfel, intervin implicații economice ale entităților suprastatale ori multinaționale cu interes clar și fără dubii în vânzarea acestor articole Medicale care de cele mai multe ori sunt chiar neconforme si periculoase, conform controalelor desfășurate de ANAF si ANPC în perioada recentă și subliniind neprofesionismul membrilor Comitetului Național pentru Situații de Urgenta oglindit în modul de gestionare a pandemiei acceptate de catre legiuitor, înaintăm următoarele propuneri:

    1. Art. 13 lit. a) sa aibă următorul cuprins:
    ,,obligativitatea purtării măștii de protecție în spatiile publice închise, iar în spatiile comerciale, mijloacele de transport în comun și la locul de muncă, numai unde nu se poate asigura distanțarea socială”;

    2.Art. 17 și 21 sa fie radiate din motivele arătate în Considerații generale;
    3.Art.38 propunem:,, În perioada (…) prin excepție de la prevederile alin. (1) prin ordin al ministrului sănătății, în baza de decretarii stării de urgență (…)”.

  5. Un singur USR-ist a raspuns, ca deja a votat pentru “siguranta” noastra: mascarada.

    Le-am mai trimis iarasi la toti, urmatoarele:

    Daca veti vota legea dictaturii medicale cu mastile criminale in aer liber, in cativa ani, cand efectele vor deveni mortale, toti politicienii veti putea fi acuzati de democid!

    Definiția „democide”
    în engleza britanică

    uciderea membrilor unei populații civile a unei țări ca urmare a politicii guvernului său, inclusiv prin acțiune directă, indiferență și neglijare

    Collins English Dictionary. Drepturi de autor © HarperCollins Publishers
    Originea cuvântului
    C20: de la demo- + -cide
    Quick Word Challenge

    • legea mastilor stimuleaza vanzarile de lumanari si gropi de veci

      nu ajunge nimeni in parlament sau guvern daca nu e pe schema de juramant cu sistemul paramilitar al societatilor secrete. 90% din parlamentari sunt din colaboratorii securitatii, armatei si politiei sau chiar ofiteri acoperiti si agenti dubli pentru diverse servicii secrete straine.
      Niciodata nu a fost a;tfel. Nu ajungi pe liste daca nu te promoveaza fortele financiaro-militare. Multi parlamentari habar nu au cine i-a selectat si de ce, li se da impresia ca ei isi croiec drumul spre cariera politica si dau din coate si din buzunare pentru un loc in parlement dar nu este deloc asa… nu ajungeau acolo daca erau genul de oameni liberi gata sa-si puna capul pe butuc pentru Adevar.
      vorbesc din experienta si din ce mi-au povesti oameni din anturajul puterii si serviciillor secrete.

      singurele arme ale poporului sunt unitatea si perseverenta impotriva ambitiilor progresiste. poporul care nu e acuzator la dresa conducatorilor va fi calcat in picioare. dusmanul are respect doar pentru cei puternici ci curajosi.

      Nu conduce guvernul, nu conduce parlamentul. Insa guvernul e mai mic, mai flexibil si mai usor de corupt decat parlamentul.
      Parlamentarii sunt obligati sa voteze sub amenintarea excluderii si razbunarii si scoaterii scheletilor din dulap.Razboiul politic e de forma, taberele aparent divergente au acelasi stapan la varful piramidei.

  6. Le-am mai trimis si ALERTA INTERNATIONALA A MEDICILOR, TRANSMISA LA 30 GUVERNE: A raspuns acelasi USR-ist:

    Bună ziua,

    Mulțumesc pentru sesizare.

    Cu respect,

    Brian Cristian
    Deputat în Parlamentul României
    Ales în circumscripția electorală nr. 26, județul Maramureș

    From: Manuela
    Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 9:50:20 PM
    To: Cristian Brian
    Subject: F. IMPORTANT! ALERTA ! International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals

    Buna ziua,

    Va transmit apelul international de urgenta al medicilor si specialistilor din sanatate catre guvernele din 30 de tari! Va rog sa-l utilizati in stoparea democidului impotriva propriului popor!

    Exista linkuri catre fiecare scrisoare adresata celor 30 de tari!

    “We are health professionals of the international collective : United Health Professionals, composed of
    more than 1,500 members (including professors of medicine, intensive care physicians and infectious
    disease specialists) from different countries of Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania and, on
    August 26, 2020, we addresed to governments and citizens of countries around the world an alert message
    regarding the COVID outbreak.”

    Va trimit atasat varianta in engleza, adresata reginei Angliei si primului ministru Boris Johnson si ministrului sanatatii UK! Am tradus automat documentul in ROMANA.

    Linkurile Documentelor se gasesc in articolul GlobalResearch.ca din mesajul de mai jos.

    Va rog din suflet sa cititi documentul ALERTA INTERNATIONALA, este opinia a peste 1500 de medici infectionisti din toata lumea.

    Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze, pe dvs si familia dvs, daca ajutati poporul roman ajuns in prag de democid!!!

    Cu stima,

    —– Forwarded Message —–
    From: Global Research Newsletter
    Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021, 05:05:54 PM GMT+2
    Subject: International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals



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    International Alert Message about COVID-19. United Health Professionals

    By United Health Professionals


    We bring to the attention of our readers, this important international statement by health professionals, medical doctors and scientists, which has been sent to the governments of thirty countries

    Below is the complete text which was sent to the governments.

    The text includes quotations from prominent scholars and health professionals

    Link to original document: Very Urgent : International Alert message about COVID-19
    See here for list of governments to which the letter was sent.

    Selected Highlights

    “Stay home, save lives” was a pure lie.

    Remove the following illegal, non-scientific and non-sanitary measures : lockdown, mandatory face masks for healthy subjects, social distancing of one or two meters.

    The lockdown not only killed many people but also destroyed physical and mental health, economy, education and other aspects of life.

    The natural history of the virus [the coronavirus] is not influenced by social measures [lockdown, face masks, closure of restaurants, curfew

    When the state knows best and violates human rights, we are on a dangerous course.

    Exclude your experts and advisers who have links or conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies :

    Stop the vaccination campaigns and refuse the scam of the pseudo-health passport which is in reality a politico-commercial project

    We are health professionals of the international collective : United Health Professionals, composed of more than 1,500 members (including professors of medicine, intensive care physicians and infectious disease specialists) from different countries of Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania and, on August 26, 2020, we addressed to governments and citizens of countries around the world an alert message regarding the COVID outbreak.

    First, let’s start with the conclusions of the 2010 report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the management of the H1N1 epidemic :

    « The Parliamentary Assembly is alarmed about the way in which the H1N1 influenza pandemic has been handled, not only by the World Health Organization (WHO) but also by the competent health authorities at the level of the European Union and at national level. It is particularly troubled by some of the consequences of decisions taken and advice given leading to distortion of priorities of public health services across Europe, waste of large sums of public money and also unjustified scares and fears about health risks…grave shortcomings have been identified regarding the transparency of decision-making processes relating to the pandemic which have generated concerns about the possible influence of the pharmaceutical industry on some of the major decisions….unregulated or secret lobbying may be a danger and can undermine democratic principles and good governance ».

    Know that the same mistakes made in the H1N1 epidemic are being repeated today in the COVID epidemic. You are the victims of the biggest health scam of the 21st century regarding the real danger of the virus, the measures to be taken, the figures, the tests and the treatments, and this was done with the same techniques of manipulation used during the epidemic of H1N1 or the Iraq war. Experts, professors of medicine as well as scientific and medical collectives began to alert others of this as early as March 2020.

    The countries of the world (except rare cases like : Sweden, Belarus or Tanzania), without thinking, have only imitated and blindly followed others.

    This epidemic is amplified, dramatized and instrumentalised by criminals who take advantage of it to achieve economic, political and ideological goals and agendas that are harmful to humanity and we will prove this to you. You must stop this global scam quickly (because it is a serious danger to your people and your country in terms of : health, economy, education, ecology and human rights) by immediately taking the following actions :

    1-Lift all restrictions

    Remove the following illegal, non-scientific and non-sanitary measures : lockdown, mandatory face masks for healthy subjects, social distancing of one or two meters. These crazy and stupid measures are heresies invented in 2020 that do not exist in medicine or public health and they are not based on any scientific evidence.

    This is not how we manage an outbreak :

    – « The world went mad » with coronavirus lockdowns which « fly in the face of what is known about handling virus pandemics » (Dr Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist, June 24, 2020).

    – « The infection fatality rate seems to be about the same as for influenza, but we have never introduced these drastic measures before, when we had influenza pandemics. And we cannot live with them for years to come » (Prof. Peter Gøtzsche, December 1, 2020).

    – « The decision of lockdown as the decision of wearing masks…are not based on scientific data…» (Prof. Didier Raoult, June 24, 2020).

    – « The natural history of the virus [the coronavirus] is not influenced by social measures [lockdown, face masks, closure of restaurants, curfew, etc.]…The lockdown did not trigger the decrease in cases…As for the closure of restaurants which had very strict health protocols in place…of course, I have no way of defending it…it has not influenced the epidemic at all…The lockdown has not changed anything…» (Prof. Philippe Parola, December 3, 2020).

    – « There is no scientific evidence to support the disastrous two-metre rule. Poor quality research is being used to justify a policy with enormous consequences for us all » (Professors Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson, June 19, 2020).

    – « Grotesque, absurd and very dangerous measures…a horrible impact on the world economy…self- destruction and collective suicide… » (Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, March 2020. He also sent, at the time, a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel).

    In addition, these tyrannical measures violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in its articles: 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 26, 27, 28, 30 and the UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child in its articles : 28, 29, 32, 37.

    – « When the state knows best and violates human rights, we are on a dangerous course. The pandemic has led to the violation of basic human rights…There has not been the slightest ethical analysis of whether this was justified. It is not» (Prof. Peter Gøtzsche, December 4, 2020).

    Forcing non-sick people to wear masks is not only a heresy but it is also harmful to health as well as to ecology and is a form of mistreatment :

    – « Dictatorship of masks totally unfounded » (Prof. Christian Perronne, September 22, 2020).

    – « The curfew…was used during the German occupation when the militia and the Gestapo went to the houses. And now we’ll have the police making visits to see if there are more than six people at the table ! What is this madness ?! » (Prof. Christian Perronne, October 15, 2020).

    – « Every winter in Paris, the ICU beds are totally saturated. We transfer patients…every winter, in normal circumstances » (Prof. Bruno Mégarbane, anesthesiologist and intensive care physician, September 27, 2020)

    « In neither of the 2 waves… all the ICU were not saturated, it is false ! » (Prof. Michaël Peyromaure, January 18, 2021)

    2-Open up economy, schools, universities, air transport and hospital units.

    3-Exclude your experts and advisers who have links or conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies

    The 2010 report of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the management of the H1N1 epidemic also said :

    « The Assembly calls on public health authorities at international, European and national level -and notably WHO-…to ensure that all persons subject to conflicts of interest are excluded from sensitive decision-making processes ».

    Countries’ experts who pushed for these totally heretical measures are either followers, ignorant or corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry.

    4-Require an international and independent investigation and that those responsible for this scam be tried

    On October 1st, 2020, German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich announced that an international network of lawyers will argue the biggest tort case ever :

    « The anti-corona measures have caused and continue to cause such devastating damage to the world’s population’s health and economy that the crimes committed by (…) the WHO must be legally qualified as actual crimes against humanity as defined in section 7 of the international criminal code ».

    He said also that this must be called « a corona scandal and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages ». The investigation must focus, among others, on Bruce Aylward (WHO) and Neil Ferguson (ICL).

    -On January 10, 2021 : A letter relayed by The Sun and written by lawyers, a member of Parliament, human rights activists and a former US Air Force general was addressed to the FBI and MI-5 along with security services in Canada, Germany and Australia, where the authors say :

    « We are writing this letter to request that a federal investigation be commenced and/or expedited regarding the scientific debate on major policy decisions during the COVID-19 crisis. In the course of our work, we have identified issues of a potentially criminal nature and believe this investigation necessary to ensure the interests of the public have been properly represented by those promoting certain pandemic policies ».

    The letter call which was « deliberately promulgated…to impoverish the nations who implemented it »

    Rare countries like Sweden, Tanzania or Belarus -which can be congratulated- have refused the lockdown and have not blindly followed others and if we apply the reasoning of the lockdown defenders, the outcome must be a massacre or the saturation of their hospital system. Is this the case in these three countries ?

    The answer is of course : no. Moreover, on September 15, 2020, The BMJ published an article entitled :

    « COVID-19 : How does Belarus have one of the lowest death rates in Europe ? ».

    These three countries are living proof of the lockdown scam and since this reality might wake up public opinion and people see that they have been lied to, a corrupt press has been spreading, from the beginning, articles and even fake news, against Sweden and Belarus.

    The famous international slogan:

    « Stay home, save lives » was a pure lie. On the contrary, the lockdown not only killed many people but also destroyed physical and mental health, economy, education and other aspects of life. For example, the lockdown in the USA has killed thousands of Alzheimer’s patients who have also died far from their families. In the United Kingdom : the lockdown killed 21,000 people.

    The effects of the lockdown « have been absolutely deleterious. They did not save the lives they had announced they could be able to save…It is a weapon of mass destruction and we see its health…social…economic effects…which form the real second wave » (Prof. Jean-François Toussaint, September 24, 2020). Imprisoning its people is a crime against humanity that even the Nazis did not commit !

    – « This country is making a dramatic mistake…What are we going to suggest ? That everyone stay locked up all his life because there are viruses outside ?! You’re all crazy, you’ve become all nuts !…we are setting the planet on fire » (Prof. Didier Raoult, October 27, 2020).

    – « It is a big delirium but which is instrumentalised by big pharma and also politicians…It is a fear organized for political and economic reasons » (Prof. Christian Perronne, August 31, 2020).

    – « It is just a global scam to make huge profits, bail out the banks and meanwhile ruin the middle classes in the name of an epidemic…made destructive by liberticidal, allegedly health measures » (Dr Nicole Delépine, December 18, 2020).

    – « We have medical evidences that this is a scam » (Dr Heiko Schöning, July 2020).

    – « Think about these two questions :…Is the coronavirus man-made ?…Have they tried to use this viral disease or this psychosis for their own ends & interests ?» (Alexander Lukashenko, President of Belarus). –

    « There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public….it should be known as nothing more than a bad flu season. this is not Ebola. It’s not SARS » (Dr Roger Hodkinson, November 13, 2020).

    5-No longer blindly follow the recommendations of the WHO and require that it be totally reformed

    An investigation carried out in 2016 (WHO in the clutches of lobbyists) showed an edifying radiography of the WHO ; a weakened structure subject to multiple conflicts of interest. This investigation has shown how private interests dominate public health in the WHO. Another investigation (Trust WHO) also revealed these serious anomalies.

    6-Use the recognized measures for the management of epidemics

    Such as recommendations of hand washing, sneeze or cough into the elbow, use a mask but only for patients and healthcare professionals (in specific situations), isolation of the sick, etc. The severity of an epidemic is assessed by the case fatality rate (CFR), among other things. However, the latter is very low (0.03-0.05%) and there is therefore no justification for taking measures that are not only disproportionate but also unscientific.

    7-Make the media aware of their responsabilities

    The media must, for example, stop talking about the coronavirus.

    8-Remove the requirement for tests

    The people who push for mandatory testing are defrauding governments and pursuing only economic goals. Nothing in this coronavirus (which is a benign virus and with a low CFR) justifies it. The flu infects one billion people each year, far more than SARS-CoV-2, spreads faster and has more populations at risk than this coronavirus and yet no test is required for travel. This is why Professor Didier Raoult called « a delirium » the claim that it is a serious illness and said, on August 19, 2020, that « it is not worse than the flu ».

    – « The infection fatality rate for this new coronavirus is likely to be in the same ballpark as seasonal influenza » (Prof. John Ioannidis, April 17, 2020).

    – « Reassure the large majority of the population that their risk of dying or getting severe disease from COVID-19 is very low » (Prof. John Ioannidis, April 22, 2020).

    – « Do you realize ? Today, we are destroying the economy whereas finally the figures are comparable with those we experienced with the flu ! » (Prof. Christian Perronne, October 25, 2020).

    9-Stop the vaccination campaigns and refuse the scam of the pseudo-health passport which is in reality a politico-commercial project

    – « We don’t need it [the vaccine] at all…All this is about purely commercial goals » (Prof. Christian Perronne, June 16, 2020).

    – « It is an old marketing principle of pharmaceutical companies : if they want to sell their product well, consumers must be afraid and see it as their salvation. So, we create a psychosis so that consumers crack up and rush on the vaccine in question » (Prof. Peter Schönhöfer).

    – « As a doctor, I do not hesitate to anticipate the decisions of the government ; we must not only refuse these vaccines [against COVID-19], but we must also denounce and condemn the purely mercantile approach and the abject cynicism which guided their production » (Dr Pierre Cave, August 7, 2020).

    – The COVID vaccine is « so, so unnecessary » (Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, December 2, 2020).

    – « I have never seen in the history of medicine that we urgently develop vaccines to vaccinate millions, billions of individuals for a virus that no longer kills except people at risk that we can identify, that we can treat…I have never seen a vaccine coming out after 2 months !…it takes years ! » (Prof. Christian Perronne, December 2, 2020).

    – « We’re going too fast. If there was an emergency,…if today COVID-19 kills 50% of people, I will say let’s take risks…but here we have a virus that kills 0,05% and we will take all the risks ! I know there are billions behind this…Be carefull, this is very dangerous ! » (Prof. Christian Perronne, December 2, 2020).

    To the question : « We do not need a general vaccine for the whole humanity with 0.05% deaths ? », Professor Christian Perronne replied : « It’s obvious ! ».

    -In November 30, 2020 : Professor Christian Perronne wrote a letter in which he alerted on the danger of the vaccines based on genetic engineering :

    « The people who promote these gene therapies, falsely called “vaccines”, are sorcerer’s apprentices and take…the citizens of the world for guinea pigs ».

    -On October 19, 2020, in a correspondence to the journal The Lancet, scientists expressed concerns and warned :

    « we are concerned that use of an Ad5 vector for immunisation against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) could similarly increase the risk of HIV-1 acquisition among men who receive the vaccine ».

    -If people accept the COVID-19 vaccine, it will be :

    « a mistake because we risk having absolutely unpredictable effects : for example, cancers…We are playing the total sorcerer’s apprentice…Man must not serve as a guinea pig, children must not serve as guinea pigs, it is absolutely unethical. There must not be deaths from vaccines » (Prof. Luc Montagnier, Virologist and Nobel Prize in Medicine, December 17, 2020.

    -In Switzerland, a group of 700 doctors and health professionals called on January 15, 2021 for stopping the vaccination campaign

    – « I think it’s [the COVID vaccine] downright dangerous. And I warn you, if you go along these lines, you are going to go to your doom » (Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, December 2, 2020).

    -On December 30, 2020 : Réaction 19 (a French association founded by lawyers with nearly 60,000 members) informed, in a press release, that it has filed a complaint concerning the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna “vaccines” for : deliberately endangering the life of others, aggravated deception, abuse of weakness and aggravated extortion.

    -Recently, several Members of the European Parliament have alerted the population because they are forbidden to consult the contracts signed with pharmaceutical laboratories. This opacity is a proof that there are compromising things they want to hide. Michèle Rivasi, a Member of the European Parliament, even lodged a complaint5. As a reminder6: in 2009, Pfizer was fined $ 2.3 billion, the largest fine ever imposed by the courts of the United States on a pharmaceutical group. It was found guilty of fraudulent commercial practices.

    In 2010, AstraZeneca was fined 520 million euros for recommending unauthorized use of a drug. In 2011, Merck payed a fine of $ 628.36 million to resolve allegations of off-label marketing and false statements about the cardiovascular safety of a drug.

    In 2013, a fine of 1.62 billion euros was imposed on Johnson & Johnson to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from allegations relating to the prescription of three drugs including promotion for uses not approved as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and payment of kickbacks to physicians and to the nation’s largest long-term care pharmacy provider.

    You must stop this global scam where the politico-economic (even ideological) agendas of criminals are to COVID what the Iraq war was to the attacks of September 11th, 2001 (here’s a reminder of the scam of the Iraq war :

    [[ Episode 1 ] : Irak War (activate the subtitles in your language)]

    These criminals manipulate the countries of the world and want to make the epidemic last as long as possible to achieve their goals when the COVID epidemic should have been declared over at a certain period of the past year ; indeed, in medicine, the epidemic threshold from which the beginning and the end of an epidemic are declared is between 150 and 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The Tanzanian president is one of the few presidents who understood this because he declared on June 8, 2020 that the COVID epidemic was over in his country.

    « The epidemic is over ! » (Professor Yoram Lass, July 2, 2020)7.

    In this epidemic, the danger is not the coronavirus but the people who instrumentalise it and who are the real virus to fight.

    The virus is completely innocent of what is happening (impoverishment, job losses, suicides, deaths, economic recession, unemployment, etc.) and the real culprits are those who have pushed the world to use these measures and the governments that continue to implement these measures despite alerts and warnings.

    « The World Bank has just estimated that the corona pandemic has caused an increase of about 100 million people living in extreme poverty. This is not because of COVID-19. It is because of the draconian measures we have introduced » (Prof. Peter Gøtzsche, December 1, 2020).

    The discrepancy and disproportion between the level of dangerousness of the virus and the magnitude of the measures taken (which are moreover totally heretical) are so obvious that it inevitably leads to the conclusion that there are other objectives behind. You have to be really blind or naive not to see it.

    With these measures which have nothing to do with medicine or science, governments are not fighting the dangers of the virus but are fighting the basic rights of their people and destroying their health, economy, education, ecology, culture and other aspects of life.

    « We have been living a kind of delirium from the start…We live in a world which is crazy :…the conditions that have been taken to fight this disease are conditions from another century…it is not even the level of the Middle Ages ! » (Prof. Didier Raoult, December 7, 2020).

    On December 28, 2020, Randy Hillier, a Canadian MP, wrote this message on Twitter along with the hashtags : #We Are Living A Lie and #No More Lockdowns : « The lies and deceptions of Covid are over. How & why so many allowed themselves to be deceived will take years to uncover ».

    It is not because the majority of countries are doing the same thing that it means that it is good or that it is the right thing to do. The number is not a criterion for knowing whether or not countries are right to apply these measures. On the contrary, many historical examples show that the majority is often wrong ; Iraq war (rare countries like France did not follow and were right), H1N1 (rare countries like Poland did not follow and were right), World War II, etc.

    The charge of conspiracy theories is the response of those who have no arguments and a technique of mass manipulation because all what has been reported in this letter does not consist of theories but of truths and statements made by eminent experts including Nobel laureates for medicine.

    This letter will be kept as proof that your government has been alerted. Everything must return immediately to normal and this global hostage-taking must stop because you have known that you have been the victims of the biggest health scam of the 21th century.

    Please, don’t make the mistake of underestimating our letter or ignoring it. Here are 2 examples of what happens when a government makes this mistake :

    Despite warnings from several experts about the danger of Dengvaxia (dengue vaccine), the Philippine government decided in 2016 to launch a vaccination campaign that ended later in a public scandal. According to the office of the prosecutor Persida Acosta, 500 children died as a result of this vaccine and several thousand are sick.

    According to the prosecutor, the responsibilities are shared between the laboratory which sold “a dangerous vaccine” and the government which set up a “massive and indiscriminate” vaccination campaign, in deplorable conditions. This vaccine, however, promised to be a planetary triumph ; in 2015, Sanofi confirmed with great fanfare the marketing of a revolutionary dengue vaccine. It was a world first, the product of twenty years of research and 1,5 billion euros of investment.

    Yet from the beginning, voices raised in the scientific community : Doctor Antonio Dans tried to warn about the inconclusive results of the first clinical trials. In the USA, Professor Scott Halstead, a world renowned specialist in the disease, even sent a video broadcasted in the Senate of the country to urge to suspend the vaccination program. The former health minister of the country has been charged in this scandal. « It’s the lure of profit that killed these children », said prosecutor Persida Acosta.

    The second example is the scandal of the H1N1 vaccine which was bought by several countries despite alerts from Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, the chairman of the Health Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, who in a motion for a recommendation entitled « Faked Pandemics – a threat for health » said : « In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies have influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide.

    They have made them squander tight health care resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly exposed millions of healthy people to the risk of unknown side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines ». He was totally right because, later, in Europe alone the vaccine made 1,500 victims of narcolepsy including 80% of children, so much so that on November 24, 2013, the Swedish Minister of Social Affairs, Göran Hägglund, said he was ready to publicly apologize to the victims of the swine flu vaccine.

    We cannot tell you everything in this letter, that is why you must consult the following documents very carefully because everything you have been told is detailed and argued there, and because you will discover other things that you do not know and by which you will be even shocked :

    For footnotes and references click here
    See here for list of countries

  7. Descarcati/Tipăriți/Distribuiți, pentru constientizarea oamenilor!

    Obligativitatea unui act medical – in cazul de fata vaccinarea – incalca nenumarate texte de lege din legislatia interna, din Codul Civil, din Constitutia Romaniei, precum si din tratatele internationale, cum sunt:

    – Declaraţia de la Helsinki privind experimentele și cercetările biomedicale (1962-1989) (Art. 3-10, 16-18, 25-32 ),

    – Codul Nuremberg (1947) (Punctele 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10),

    – Raportul Belmont (1978) (Cap. 2, 3, 4, 6),

    – Declaraţia de la Geneva (1948),

    – Declarația Universală a Drepturilor Omului (1948) (în special art. 3, 18, 25, 36),

    – Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană (2007) (Art. 2, 3 şi 6 referitoare la respectarea libertăţilor şi drepturilor omului, protecţia specială a drepturilor copilului),

    – Codul Internațional al Eticii Medicale (1949),

    – Convenția Europeană asupra Drepturilor Omului și Libertăților Fundamentale (1950),

    – Pactul Internațional cu privire la Drepturile Civile și Politice (1966, ratificat de România în 1974),

    – Charta Socială Europeană (1961),

    – Declarația de la Lisabona privind Drepturile Pacientului (1981),

    – Convenția privind Drepturile Omului și Biomedicina (2000),

    – Conventia de la Oviedo privind drepturile omului şi biomedicina (1997), ratificata de Romania prin Legea nr.17/2001 (art. 5, 6 pct 1, 16, 21, 28, 29).


    Lege nr. 17 din 22 februarie 2001 privind ratificarea Conventiei europene pentru protectia drepturilor omului si a demnitatii fiintei umane fata de aplicatiile biologiei si medicinei, Conventia privind drepturile omului si biomedicina, semnata la Oviedo la 4 aprilie 1997, si a Protocolului aditional la Conventia europeana pentru protectia drepturilor omului si a demnitatii fiintei umane fata de aplicatiile biologiei si medicinei, referitor la interzicerea clonarii fiintelor umane, semnat la Paris la 12 ianuarie 1998 Parlamentul Romaniei din 22 februarie 2001

  8. Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021 11:51:58 PM
    To: Cristian Brian
    Subject: Re: Democid: PLX 31 2021 in dezbateri in Camera Deputatilor

    Apreciez faptul ca ati raspuns, aceasta dovedeste ca mai aveti o sclipire de omenie.
    Macar aveti habar ce vor fortele raului care conduc guvernele lumii si pe voi, politicienii, sa le faca oamenilor de pe acest pamant? Sau nu ati avut timp sa va informati? V-ati cocotat in parlament si ati uitat ca trebuie sa serviti oamenii. Dumnezeu a zis ca smintelile vor veni, dar vai celor prin care vor veni smintelile!

    THE PLAN TO CONTROL THE WORLD ❌ Warning By Scientists

    THE PLAN TO CONTROL THE WORLD ❌ Warning By Scientists

    Thousands of scientists are warning mankind for a global threat. Medical doctors are confessing shocking crimes….


    Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order

    Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order


    Ultimate Proof: Covid-19 Was Planned to Usher in the New World Order


    1: Professor Didier Raoult cures over a thousand covid patients

    2: Dr Zelenko cured more than 900 coronapatients

    3: One of the studies that confirm the effectivity of HCQ

    4: Dr Meryl Nass exposes WHO and other fraudulent studies

    5: HCQ study by The Lancet turns out to be total fraud

    5B: America’s Frontline Doctors gets censored massively

    6: Dr Rob Elens forced to stop curing people from covid19 (Dutch video)

    7: 1,700 medical doctors and professionals write to the Dutch government

    7A: Dr. Knutt Wittkowski reveals how lockdowns didn’t stop covid spread at all

    7B: Dr. Brownstein cures 120 covid patients (Highwire video)

    7C: Dr. Brownstein was censored, medical blog deleted

    7D: Emergency care specialists cure covid patients

    7E: Dr Richard Bartlett heals over 500 corona patients with Budesonide

    7F: Midland Memorial Hospital says Budesonide cannot work

    8: Nurse Erin Olszweski reports false covid registrations and murder

    8B: Nurse New York reports murders in hospital

    9: Facebook page with testimonials of fraud with covid figures

    10: Lena Kayes testimony about false covid registrations

    11: Funeral Directors reveal false covid deaths

    12: Dr. Scott Jensen reveals that hospitals are heavily paid for covid registrations

    12B: Fake Covid hospital Brazil

    12C: Another empty Covid hospital in São Paulo

    12D: President Brazil says corona is a media trick.

    12E: Covid numbers double counted in England

    13: Coroner declares: ‘There is no killer virus’

    14: Italian politician confronts government with covid19 fraud

    15: Belgian publication De Tijd: only 3% of covid deaths were tested

    16: President Tanzania exposes fraud with covd figures

    17: Californian doctors examine 6,000 patients and expose media deception

    18:Association of German doctors declare that corona is global crime

    19: 1500 German doctors speak out against the covid scam

    20: 120 specialists reject media hype around covid19

    20B: Stanford University reveals low mortality rate covid-19

    20C: Oxford University confirms low mortality rates

    20D: No spread through people without symptoms

    20E: WHO says no covid19 contamination through people without symptoms

    20F: No contamination in shops and restaurants

    20G:British Columbia: No contamination in open air

    20H: WHO: mouth masks are not required

    20I: Face masks do not filter viruses

    20J: Canadian expert: face masks do not work

    20K: Oral masks increase risk of infection

    20L: Infection only by minutes of close-up contact

    20M: One and a half meters distance is nonsense

    21: Dozens of videos of brutal police violence against innocent civilians

    22:Young man beaten to death by police

    23: Police break into family homes and assault innocent man

    24: President Brazil calls on government to resist illegal dictatorship

    25: Letter from 1741 medical professionals to Dutch government

    25B: 600 doctors call lockdown ‘serious accident with massive casualties

    26: German journalist Udo Ulfkotte confesses to bribery of the media

    27A: World No. 1 virologist calls covid19 a media epidemic

    27B: Mortality rate is only 0.4% for covid patients with symptoms

    28: Former British Supreme Court Judge sees manufactured hysteria

    29: Bill Gates calls vaccine industry best investment ever

    30: Bill Gates is the biggest sponsor of W.H.O.

    31: Bill Gates bribed W.H.O. so they declared a global pandemic

    32: Bill Gates wants a digital vaccine ID to force people to be vaccinated

    33:Bill Gates patented technology to trace human body

    34: Program to link digital ID to vaccines

    34B: Global monitoring network

    35: Project to film the whole earth day and night via 24 satellites

    36: Bill Gates says 700,000 people will suffer permanent side effects

    37: Article by Robert F Kennedy about horrific damage caused by Bill Gates

    38: W.H.O. vaccine specialists recognize life-size dangers of vaccines

    39: Bill Gates wants to reduce world population by 15%

    40: Petition of 570,000 to the White House against Bill Gates for crimes against humanity

    41:Facebook page announces deaths due to vaccination in Philippines

    42: Interrogation: Facebook hides information about vaccine damage

    43: Three major Twitter accounts of Truth About Vaccines deleted

    44: CDC destroys evidence that vaccines cause autism

    45: Dr Meryl Nass: vaccines cause autoimmune diseases

    46: Dr Thomas Cowan: vaccines cause explosion of diseases in children

    47: Dr Richard Moskowitz: vaccines cause death and permanent injury

    48: Dr Stanley Plotkin: vaccines contain animal tissue and aborted baby

    48B: Vaxxed documentary on vaccine damage

    49: Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte knows nothing about vaccine damage

    50:RIVM deceives population with misinformation about vaccine damage

    51: Interview with RIVM employee

    52: RIVM mentions that they are financed by Bill Gates

    52B: Sara Cunial in the Italian Chamber of Deputies

    52C: Interview between heads of government on contact tracing

    53:Italian politician confronts bribery Italian Government

    54: Bill Clinton and Andrew Cuomo discuss large-scale control network

    55: Document Rockefeller Foundation outlines plan for total control

    56: US population tracking bill

    57: Google whistleblower reveals global manipulation by Google

    58: Dr Robert Epstein: Google manipulates millions of votes during elections

    58B: Facebook whistleblower Zach McElroy

    59:Warning Archbishop and Cardinals about world dictatorship

    60: Bill Gates is a member of the Bilderberger group

    61: Bilderberger group bypasses democracy and manipulates governments

    62: Hundreds of doctors warn of public health damage caused by 5G

    63: Interview with Nigel Farage warning of dictatorship

    64: Simulation of global pandemic starting in China

    65: Bill and Melinda Gates announcing a global pandemic with a flu virus

    66: Fauci announces there would be a ‘surprise outbreak’ during the first term of president Trump

    67: Journalist Harry Vox predicted the 2020 global pandemic in 2014

    68: Journalist Anthony Patch predicted the 2020 global pandemic in 2014

    69: Bill Gates interview with CBS, saying ‘multiple doses of the vaccine will be needed’

    70: Coronavirus is RNA virus, which are known for constantly mutating

    71: Source for the graph showing the covid19 mutations

    72: Virologist and lugn specialist Dr. David Prins expresses his concerns about the vaccine push

    73: 50% of all trial participants got immediate adverse reactions to covid vaccine

    74: The movie ‘Contagion’ predicts in detail the current coronavirus pandemic

    75: Download the book “Committee of 300′ by CIA officer John Coleman

    76: The Georgia Guidestones say humanity must not exceed five hundred million people

    77: Download the ‘Scenario for the Future’ by the Rockefeller Foundation

    78: Dr. Stella Immanuel saw 350 Covid-19 patients get better

    79: NIH study reports that hydroxychloroquone prevents spread of the coronavirus


    1: grupul german de medici pentru informații

    2: grup spaniol de Doctori pentru adevăr

    2A: Alianța mondială a medicilor

    2B: Benzi desenate din UE reprezintă o pandemie globală

    2C: Plandemie documentară

    2D: Richard Rothschild a brevetat metoda pentru testarea COVID-19

    2E: Invenții ale lui R. Rothshild

    3: Fauci garantează un focar în următorii doi ani.

    4: Bill Gates a anunțat o pandemie globală

    5: Melinda Gates spune că cea mai mare amenințare umanistă este un virus creat

    6: Versuri ale melodiei din 2013 care a prezis pandemia de coronavirus în 2020

    7: Harry Vox a prezis pandemia globală

    8: Robin de Ruiter a prezis blocaje

    9: Scenariu pentru viitor descris pandemie globală

    10: Andrew Cuomo discută cu Bill Clinton despre controlul autoritar

    11: Bill Gates vorbește despre un ID digital pentru a controla oamenii

    12: Conectarea vaccinurilor la un ID digital

    13: Gates are grijă de tehnologie pentru a urmări un corp oriunde

    14: Gates vrea un sistem global de monitorizare

    14A: Invenții de Richard A Rothschild

    15: Descărcați cartea ofițerului CIA Coleman

    16: Gates vorbește despre reducerea populației mondiale folosind vaccinuri

    17: Zeci de milioane de teste Covid-19 au fost exportate de UE, SUA, China etc. în 2017 și 2018

    18: DAVOS și adunarea globaliștilor

    19: Șeful Organizației Mondiale a Sănătății este membru al unui grup terorist violent

    20: Scrisoare de la arhiepiscop și cardinali către omenire

    21: Bill Gates lucrează la ID-urile digitale de vaccinare

    Dosarul COVID




    Dr Carrie Madej explains how dangerous the COVID-19 vaccine may be, if the proposed technologies are accepted. I…

    This list is a mere starting point for you, to do your own research.
    Dr. Madej studied this for twenty years, so the actual basis of her knowledge is much larger than this list.

    https://youtu.be/iMl0ty6evhU https://steemit.com/life/@pranavsinha/bill-and-melinda-gates-foundation-kicked-out-of-india
    https://youtu.be/Ofdd4ILdpVY https://scialert.net/fulltext/?doi=biotech.2011.136.148


    * 2030 Agenda
    * 4th Industrial Revolution
    * 5G/6G
    * Agenda 21
    * AI
    * Biodiversity
    * Carbon Currency
    * Censorship
    * Climate Change
    * Corrupt Data
    * Demographics
    * Discrimination
    * Disinformation
    * Education
    * Energy
    * Escaping Earth
    * Fintech & Blockchain
    * Food Systems
    * Free Enterprise
    * Genetic Engineering
    * Geoengineering
    * Geospatial
    * Global Banking
    * Global Religion
    * Government
    * Green Economy
    * Green New Deal
    * Health Systems
    * Immigration
    * Infrastructure
    * Innovation Zones
    * Internet of Things
    * Land Use
    * New Urban Agenda
    * North American Union
    * Opportunity Zones
    * Pandemic
    * Police State
    * Population Control
    * Privatization
    * Property Rights
    * Regionalism
    * Religion
    * Resistance
    * Scientism
    * Smart Cities
    * Smart Grid
    * Smart Growth
    * Social Credit Scoring
    * Space
    * Sustainable Agriculture
    * Sustainable Development
    * Technocracy
    * Technopopulism
    * Total Surveillance Society
    * Trade Agreements
    * Transhuman
    * Trilateral Commission
    * Universal Basic Income
    * Warfare
    * Water

    On Thursday, February 18, 2021, 08:04:09 AM GMT+2, Cristian Brian wrote:

    Mulțumesc pentru explicații.

    O zi bună vă doresc.

    Cu respect,

    Brian Cristian
    Deputat în Parlamentul României
    Ales în circumscripția electorală nr. 26, județul Maramureș

  9. De trimis la deputati, pana nu e prea tarziu:

    “Dle deputat / dna deputat
    De ce credeți ca un legislativ nu și-a asumat acest proiect legislativ al obligativității vaccinării copiilor și adulților din România?
    Acest proiect NU este despre obligativitatea informării CI despre obligativitatea vaccinarii și DECĂDEREA din drepturi ale părinților care refuza vaccinarea, nu informarea!
    Vă asumați un popor întreg condamnat de aceasta lege?
    Vechiul legislativ NU și-a asumat și l-a pasat către domniile voastre căci ACUM când va ajunge in plen pe ordinea de zi, nu se mai dezbare nimic, nimeni nu va sti ce va vota!
    Legea asta ne-ar pune la mâna unor comisii, plătite din banii noștri, care vor stabili DACĂ un copil va mai fi sau nu vaccinat DACĂ in trecut a avut reacții…
    Vă asumați decăderea din drepturile părintesti a părinților care refuză?
    Vă asumați o lege care constrânge și pedepsește părinții?”

    Cand o sa va mai raspunda deputatii,spunand ca in Parlament nu se voteaza Legea vaccinarii obligatorii, sa le trimiteti acest articol care spune adevarul.
    Au fost pacaliti ca voteaza Legea vaccinarii informate,dar in realitate ei voteaza Legea vaccinarii obligatorii.
    In acest articol s-a explicat foarte clar aceasta speță!


  10. Trimiteti textul de mai sus deputatilor. Iata adresele de email:

    cp07@cdep.ro cp11@cdep.ro cp05@cdep.ro cp08@cdep.ro cp09@cdep.ro cti@cdep.ro opegal@cdep.ro infocdep@cdep.ro srp@vdep.ro presa@cdep.ro srp@cdep.ro gabriel.zisopol@cdep.ro silviu.vexler@cdep.ro bogdan.stoica@cdep.ro varujan@cdep.ro ibram.iusein@cdep.ro andi.grosaru@cdep.ro slobodan.ghera@cdep.ro ovidiu.gant@cdep.ro iulius.firczak@cdep.ro ognean.cristici@cdep.ro boris.volosatii@cdep.ro simina.tulbure@cdep.ro iulian.lorincz@cdep.ro valentin.fagarasian@cdep.ro oana.toiu@cdep.ro diana.tusa@cdep.ro cristina.traila@cdep.ro catalin.tenita@cdep.ro diana.stoica@cdep.ro george.simion@cdep.ro cristian.seidler@cdep.ro alexandru.rafila@cdep.ro cristina.pruna@cdep.ro pavel.popescu@cdep.ro cristian.popescu@cdep.ro tudor.pop@cdep.ro oana.ozmen@cdep.ro ludovic.orban@cdep.ro denisa.neagu@cdep.ro claudiu.nasui@cdep.ro carmen.moldovan@cdep.ro oana.florea@cdep.ro diana.buzoianu@cdep.ro sebastian.burduja@cdep.ro
    mihai.badea@cdep.ro alin.apostol@cdep.ro nicusor.halici@cdep.ro georgebadiu@cdep.ro stefan.popa@cdep.ro marian.lazar@cdep.ro laurentiu.cazan@cdep.ro cristian.buican@cdep.ro adrian.solomon@cdep.ro raisa.enachi@cdep.ro mihai.botez@cdep.ro eugen.terente@cdep.ro george.siscu@cdep.ro mirela.furtuna@cdep.ro daniel.toda@cdep.ro cosmin.sandru@cdep.ro titi.stoica@cdep.ro alfred.simonis@cdep.ro marilen.pirtea@cdep.ro nicu.falcoi@cdep.ro catalin.drula@cdep.ro florin.piper@cdep.ro florica.calota@cdep.ro costel.barbu@cdep.ro florin.puscasu@cdep.ro bogdan.gheorghiu@cdep.ro angelica.fador@cdep.ro radu.ciornei@cdep.ro ioan.balan@cdep.ro eugen.bejinariu@cdep.ro dorel.acatrinei@cdep.ro raluca.turcan@cdep.ro constantin.sovaiala@cdep.ro sebastian.suciu@cdep.ro dan.barna@cdep.ro denes.seres@cdep.ro alin.prunean@cdep.ro radu.panait@cdep.ro lucian.bode@cdep.ro bogdan.toader@cdep.ro maya.teodoroiu@cdep.ro catalin.predoiu@cdep.ro mihai.politeanu@cdep.ro rodica.paraschiv@cdep.ro andrei.lupu@cdep.ro
    george.ionescu@cdep.ro adrian.axinia@cdep.ro gigel.stirbu@cdep.ro marius.iancu@cdep.ro adrian.chesnoiu@cdep.ro remus.munteanu@cdep.ro dumitrina.mitrea@cdep.ro laurentiu.leoreanu@cdep.ro corneliu.cozmanciuc@cdep.ro mara.calista@cdep.ro iulian.bulai@cdep.ro dan.tanasa@cdep.ro adrian.giurgiu@cdep.ro eva.csep@cdep.ro virgil.popescu@cdep.ro gheorghe.simon@cdep.ro darius.pop@cdep.ro brian.cristian@cdep.ro calin.bota@cdep.ro norbert.apjok@cdep.ro florin.alexe@cdep.ro gianina.serban@cdep.ro oana.cambera@cdep.ro daniel.ghita@cdep.ro daniel.gheorghe@cdep.ro marius.ostaficiuc@cdep.ro sorin.nacuta@cdep.ro silviu.macovei@cdep.ro cristian.ivanuta@cdep.ro vasile.citea@cdep.ro filip.havarneanu@cdep.ro cosette.chichirau@cdep.ro monica.berescu@cdep.ro mihail.albisteanu@cdep.ro titus.paunescu@cdep.ro stefan.musoiu@cdep.ro rodica.barcari@cdep.ro pollyanna.hangan@cdep.ro anamaria.gavrila@cdep.ro kelemenhunor@cdep.ro dan.vilceanu@cdep.ro gabriela.horga@cdep.ro radu.miruta@cdep.ro george.stanga@cdep.ro lilian.scripnic@cdep.ro
    viorica.sandu@cdep.ro bogdan.rodeanu@cdep.ro sorin.muncaciu@cdep.ro alina.tanasescu@cdep.ro ionut.stroe@cdep.ro alexandra.presura@cdep.ro eliza.peta@cdep.ro daniel.gheba@cdep.ro ringo.damureanu@cdep.ro ioan.vulpescu@cdep.ro marian.tachianu@cdep.ro daniel.blaga@cdep.ro liviu.balint@cdep.ro mariushoriatutuianu@cdep.ro cristina.rizea@cdep.ro lucian.lungoci@cdep.ro stelian.ion@cdep.ro dumitru.focsa@cdep.ro cristina.dumitrache@cdep.ro bogdan.bola@cdep.ro mirceabanias@cdep.ro danut.aelenei@cdep.ro sabin.sarmas@cdep.ro oana.murariu@cdep.ro radu.molnar@cdep.ro sorin.moldovan@cdep.ro

  11. Probabil că nu mai ține nimeni minte când am scris pe aici că argumentul “purtarea măștii nu e obligatorie prin lege” e greșit pentru că or s-o facă obligatorie prin lege. Așa-i că am ajuns acolo?

  12. Au sa faca asa cum vor ei sau mai bine zis , cum le cer altii deci, oricate petitii si plangeri penale vom face se vor sterge cu ele la …tender ! Unica solutie este ca , la mitingurile d e protest sa nu se mai adune cu chiu cu vai 100 de persoane { asa este legea in pandemie } ci , 1.000.000 zilnic ca doar nu-s numai 100 d e nemultumiti in tara asta .

    • Corect; acesti nazisti terorizeaza popoarele si le subestimeaza, oamenii se vor ridica cind nu se va astepta mafia si va fi razboi civil international caci mafia oculta s-a inarmat si vor trage in popoare ca sa reduca populatia!!

    • dr. ATI LA Puscarie

      vezi sa nu! de ce a intrat comunismul in SUA putin cate putin pana s-a dat p fata dar nu mai intereseaza pe nimeni? pentru ca oamenii erau preocupati sa faca bani, bani,bani…poti sa strigi cat vrei ca vine moartea…ei alearga dupa bani cum alergau si in babilon si inainte de potop.
      solutia e rugaciunea pentru popor sa aiba Domnul mila si sa vina mai repede sa omoare moartea si pe cei care aduc moartea prin minciuna.

      • Ai descoperit tu metoda să trăiești fără să mănânci? Știi că dat fiind sistemul urbanizat în care trăim, ești nevoit să produci bani ca să trăiești, dat fiind că oamenii nu mai trăiesc într-o societate agrară ca în Evul Mediu atât de mult hulit și deci nu-și mai pot produce mâncarea singuri.

  13. Îi merge cuiva link-ul? Mie îmi spune “Secure Connection Failed” și deci nu pot accesa site-ul de loc, nu doar pagina în cauză?

  14. vino Doamne sa-i judeci pe criminalii cu pixul si acul

    Ce ştim de spre Giardia Lamblia? Că este un parazit care trăieşte în organismul nostru, este răspândit peste tot şi cei care îl poartă, adică toţi oamenii din lume, se pot împărţi în trei categorii: asimptomatici (nu au nici un simptom), au simptome uşoare (cefalee, lipsa poftei de mâncare) sau simptome grave (intoxicare, denutriţie, comă chiar) care apar atunci când se suprapune peste alte comorbidităţi.

    Ce ştim despre E. Colli? Că este un microb răspândit ubicuu, iar purtătorii săi se împart în: asimptomatici, cu simptome uşoare, simptome severe. Ce ştim despre Helycobacter Pilori? Că este o bacterie care aflată în tubul digestiv la toţi oamenii din lumea asta, care oameni se pot împărţi în următoarele categorii: asimptomatici, cu simptome uşoare şi simptome severe.

    Ce ştim despre alte câteva sute de microbi, stafilococi, streptococi, pneumococi, enterococi ş.a.m.d.? Ca ei sunt răspândiţi în toată lumea şi oamenii purtători (adică toţi) se pot împărţi în categoriile mai sus menţionate: asimptomatici, cu simptome uşoare şi simptome severe.

    Desigur, oamenii mai şi mor. Omenii fac AVC şi come vasculare, fac infarct, fac insuficienţe renale sau hepatice, fac insuficienţe respiratorii sau grave dezechilibre metabolice şi mor. Dacă vom combina cauzele de mortalitate cu fiecare din germenii amintiţi mai sus, va ieşi cam aşa: Cei infestaţi cu Giardia Lamblia pot fi asimptomatici, pot prezenta simptome uşoare sau severe chiar, şi în unele cazuri apare decesul (întrucât cei care au decedat au fost găsiţi pozitivi la Giardia Lamblia).

    Sau pacienţii cu Helycobacter Pylori pot fi asimptomatici, pot prezenta simptome uşoare sau severe şi pot chiar să moară deoarece la un număr însemnat de persoane decedate s-a găsit că sunt pozitive la Helycobacter Pylori. Însă tocmai faptul că putem găsi un germene în toate aceste stadii este dovada clară că nu el este responsabil de vreun deces. Tocmai întâlnirea lui în toate aceste stadii îl face un musafir, eventual un factor agravant, dar nu un factor cauzal.

    Nu vi se pare asemănător cu ceea ce se spune despre covid-19?

    Folosind algoritmul impus de OMS, toţi cei care sunt pozitivi la covid-19 intră în aceste grupe: asimptomatici, cu simptome uşoare sau severe şi decese puse în seama virusului, pentru că cei decedaţi erau pozitivi. Unde este cauzalitatea reală a deceselor de covid? Unde este logica firească în toată această falsă pandemie care a rostogolit aceleaşi falsuri şi derapaje logice iar şi iar?

    Nişte şmecheri au forţat un raţionament fals, o bazaconie, iar o întreagă comunitate profesională şi mediatică a înghiţit găluşca pe nemestecate. Unii din incapacitatea de a prelucra ce i s-a oferit, alţii din evidente raţiuni financiare.

    Dacă acceptaţi ceea ce se spune despre covid-19 şi sunteţi convinşi că este un virus periculos, atunci acceptaţi că toţi paraziţii, toate bacteriile cu largă răspândire, toate virusurile cu răspândire comunitară şi cam tot ce este în noi este la fel de periculos. De ce? Fiindcă au fost întâlnite toate acestea la cei asimptomatici, la cei cu simptome uşoare şi cu simptome grave şi de asemenea există şi în trupurile celor decedaţi!

    Dr. Iosif Dragu

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