Home / Chestiunea Jidănească / Bitchute, alternativa la YouTube, amenințat de cenzorii jidani internaționali

Bitchute, alternativa la YouTube, amenințat de cenzorii jidani internaționali

Sterie Ciumetti
Incorect Politic
Noiembrie 10, 2020

Bitchute alternativa la YouTube amenințat de cenzorii jidan internaționali

Odată cu cenzura online, au apărut tot felul de alternative la cele mai populare aplicații de media socială (Facebook/Minds, Twitter/Gab, Youtube/Bitchute) și asta a permis informației să circule dincolo de cenzură, fie că vorbim despre chestiunea jidănească, despre realități rasiale sau conținut considerat “limbaj de ură”.

Aceste alternative reprezintă un ghimpe în coasta jidanului internațional.

Via ChristiansForTruth:

At the behest of powerful Jewish interests, this week Google Play banned the third-party app BitChute — a “free speech” alternative to heavily censored YouTube — because it has become a safe haven for people and groups who openly oppose Jewish supremacy and draconian Soviet-style censorship:

[The Tel Aviv-based] Google suspended the app, stating that it is in violation of its affiliate spam policy, although BitChute denies this claim, tweeting a photo of Google’s notification.

The UK-based video platform was set up in January 2017 by tech entrepreneur Ray Vahey and Richard Anthony Jones. It has become a platform used by alt-right groups, with UK-based Community Security Trust (CST) finding it to be one of the four most dangerous outlets of extreme anti-Semitic content on the Internet.

According to pro-Israel lawyers and activists, in the context of rising antisemitism, public access to this platform and the site’s active promotion of antisemitism are cause for major alarm. Recently, social media companies are being pressured to clean their platforms of hate speech and adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism, but this has led antisemites and white supremacists to look for other places to share their content.

Despite the site’s community guidelines that say “incitement to violence” and “malicious use of the platform” will not be tolerated, on the site are pro-ISIS content, calls for the killing of Jews, Holocaust denial, classic antisemitic characterizations of Israel and Israelis, and drawing comparisons to a contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis—each with tens of thousands of views…

Director of UK Lawyers for Israel, Caroline Turner, maintained that online antisemitism promotes and incites hatred of Jewish people, and even violence against Jews. “It twists the truth, contains blatant lies and promotes conspiracy theories suggesting that Jews are the cause of various evils in the world,” she told JNS.

There is no specific law against antisemitism in the United Kingdom, although there are more general laws about sending grossly offensive and menacing messages, and stirring up racial hatred. If the person who uploaded the offensive material was based in England or Wales, and traceable, then it is possible to report their behavior to the police,” she explained, adding that there has been a precedence of prosecuted individuals who have sent antisemitic messages over social media, though they have been few and far between.

Turner related that fighting antisemitic material online is especially challenging due to the prevalence “difficulties in finding out who is responsible for the post.” Another challenge, she added, is “if the service provider and those posting the material are in a jurisdiction where the right to free speech is considered absolute.”

UK Lawyers for Israel has contacted Bitchute’s Internet service providers, including “Epik, Cloudflare, Taboola, AS53667 Frantech Solutions, Google Ads, Microsoft Azure, Choopa, Subscribestar and Regus, to request that they terminate their relationship with BitChute. So far, said Turner, only Choopa has responded that “they had checked with the Content Delivery Network (CDN) provider, Cloudflare, who indicated that the back-end hosting provider is not Choopa, instead it appears to be AS53667.”

“It is truly shocking that there is so much antisemitic material online and on social media, and really that there have been so few convictions. History has shown that this is a dangerous trend, and it really must be stopped. If offenses are being committed, we call on the police to prosecute them, and hopefully, this will deter other from this behavior,” she said.

Gideon Falter, chief executive of British NGO Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), explained that “over the past several years, we have seen an exponential growth in antisemitic abuse on social media platforms, including mockery and denial of the Holocaust, anti-Jewish incitement and endless antisemitic tropes from the far-right and the far-left.”

“…The popularity of antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories are a wake-up call,” said Falter. “Social media companies have a responsibility to clamp down on such gratuitous and dangerous racism on their platforms, and we will continue to press them to act.”

Istoric vorbind, Jidanii pretind că pornografia trebuie protejată de legile libertății de exprimare – în ciuda faptului că multe studii legitime au arătat corelații directe între expunerea la pornografie și violență extremă, inclusiv criminali în serie.

Dacă Jidanii sunt atât de îngrijorați de “incitarea la violență”, și-ar folosi puterea pentru a cenzura pornografia, nu revizionismul istoric, dar pentru că Jidanii domină industria pornografică și fac miliarde din ea, ne așteptăm la ipocrizie din partea lor.

Nimeni n-a pretins că videoclipurile despre “negarea” Holocaustului incită devianți la violență, transformându-i în criminali în serie. Defapt, chiar opusul pare să fie adevărat, cenzurarea materialelor de “negare a Holocaustului” pot incita oamenii la violență.

Cenzura scepticismului cu privire la narativa oficială holocaustică pare să-i încurajeze pe Jidani să mintă și mai mult, iar acest lucru nu este benefic pentru Jidanii care deseori sunt prinși cu mâța în sac privind pretinsele lor experiențe din timpul războiului

În ciuda previziunilor drastice, nu există nici o legătură directă între materiale “antisemite” și violență – zeci de milioane de oameni au parcurs deja materiale “negaționiste” și nimeni n-a mers afară să comită violență împotriva Jidanilor din cauza lor.

Jidanii pretind că dacă nu cenzurează materialele “negaționiste” antisemite, acestea vor duce la un al doilea Holocaust. În mod pervers, ei nu vor ca tu să știi că n-a fost nicicând holocaust împotriva jidanilor.

Putem vorbi de mai multe holocausturi, conform definiției, astfel am putea aduce în discuție Hiroshima, Nagasaki și Drezda.

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