Home / Internațional / Anglia Nu A Primit Niciun Refugiat Creștin (2018)

Anglia Nu A Primit Niciun Refugiat Creștin (2018)

Sterie Ciumetti
Incorect Politic
August 5, 2018

Anglia Nu A Primit Niciun Refugiat Creștin

Anul acesta Anglia nu a primit nici un refugiat creștin.

Aceste țări, cum ar fi Anglia, tolerante și pline de compasiune care acceptă refugiați din toate părțile, ocrotindu-i sub aripa lor, dându-le bani, oferindu-le soțiile, fiicele lor și mușamalizându-le crimele, duhnesc de ipocrizie ca un canal înfundat.

Avem un articol de la Vocea Europei în care se prezintă adevărul despre respingerea refugiaților creștini:


There were 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in the UK in the first three months of the year. The Home Office now admits that there was not a single Christian among them, Premier Christian Radio reports.

The information, including the rejection of Christian applicants, came to light following a freedom of information request by the Barnabas Fund – a charity that supports persecuted Christians.

Only Muslim refugee applicants from the war-torn country have been accepted and resettled.

Ce surpriză, e ca și cum scopul lor nu este primirea refugiaților, ci asigurarea prezenței musulmanilor în țările europene, albe, creștine.

The statement by the charity said: “As Barnabas Fund recently reported, of the 7,060 Syrian refugees the UNHCR recommended to the UK in 2017 only 25 were Christians (0.35 per cent). However, the Home Office only accepted eleven of these – meaning that Christians made up only 0.23 per cent of Syrian refugees resettled in the UK last year.”

They further explained they had to “go to considerable lengths to obtain these figures in the face of what appeared to be a sustained attempt by Home Office officials to avoid their release”.

Au trebuit să-i amenințe cu acționarea în instanță pentru a pune mâna pe documente.

The Home Office only providing the information after the charity took the “extreme step of obtaining an order from the Information Commissioner’s Office threatening the Home Office with contempt of court proceedings in the High Court”.

The statement continued: “It is widely accepted that Christians, who constituted around 10 per cent of Syria’s pre-war population, were specifically targeted by jihadi rebels and continue to be at risk.

“As last year’s statistics more than amply demonstrate, this is not a statistical blip. It shows a pattern of underrepresentation and significant prima facie evidence of discrimination that the government has a legal duty to take concrete steps to address.”

Ce șocant, aceia care trâmbițează anti-discriminarea defapt discriminează. Cine ar fi crezut?

E ca și cum cei care se ocupă de primirea refugiaților ar avea o agendă…

Anglia Nu A Primit Niciun Refugiat Creștin


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