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Siria Bombardată După Un Atac Chimic Fals

Sterie Ciumetti
Incorect Politic
Aprilie 10, 2018


Siria Bombardată După Un Atac Chimic Fals


Rusia declară din start că-i o înscenare:


Russia’s Foreign Ministry said on Sunday reports of a gas attack in Syria were bogus and any military action taken based on such “invented and fabricated excuses” could lead to severe consequences.

“The spread of bogus stories about the use of chlorine and other poisonous substances by (Syrian) government forces continues. Yet another such fabricated piece of information about an alleged chemical attack in Douma appeared yesterday,” the ministry said in a statement.

“We have warned several times recently against such dangerous provocations. The aim of such deceitful speculation, lacking any kind of grounding, is to shield terrorists … and to attempt to justify possible external uses of force.”

Se pare că ei spun că nici nu s-ar fi întâmplat. Assad a spus că e posibil ca ultimul atac să fi fost săvârșit de actori.

În vest este o teorie a actorilor de criză care pare că se adeverește.

Iar imaginile nu par convingătoare.

Mai multe poze aici:

Nu-i greu nici să săvârșești un atac chimic și dupaia să dai vina pe Assad.

În orice caz, media jidănească va promova povestea în ciuda faptului că oricine poate vedea că Assad nu avea nimic de câștigat săvârșind atacul ăsta, mai ales după ce Trump a trimis o rachetă în Siria anul trecut în urma unui alt presupus atac chimic.

Deci de ce ar da Assad cu gazul, provocând controverse internaționale, când forțele ISIS sunt aproape învinse?

Media mincinoasă crede în continuare că poate țese orice poveste lacrimogenă care implică niște copii morți și goyim vor crede.

E timpul să dovedim contrariul.


New York Times a preluat știrea.

Siria Bombardată După Un Atac Chimic Fals

New York Times:

Days after President Trump said he wanted to pull the United States out of Syria, Syrian forces hit a suburb of Damascus with bombs that rescue workers said unleashed toxic gas.

Within hours, images of dead families sprawled in their homes threatened to change Mr. Trump’s calculus on Syria, possibly drawing him deeper into an intractable Middle Eastern war that he hoped to leave.

Homeland security adviser, Thomas P. Bossert, said the White House national security team had been discussing possible responses and would not rule out a missile strike.

The reported chemical attack on Douma, a suburb of the capital, Damascus, on Saturday seems to have squeezed Mr. Trump between conflicting impulses, and raised the political and military stakes as he charts the United States’ future in Syria.

Ce coincidență…

Tumoarea lui John McCain a preluat și ea știrea:

Absolut dezgustător, nu-ți trebuie mulți neuroni ca să realizezi că-i o mascaradă.

Articolul original:

Assad a spus că ultima ‘gazare’ a fost un steag fals (false flag). Adică o înscenare.

Russia și Assad au spus că sunt dovezi că trupele SUA din Siria plănuiau să însceneze atac chimic acum câteva saptămâni în orașul Ghouta.

Iar apoi…


Several Syrian activist groups Saturday reported that a brutal attack on the remnants of the rebel-held city of Douma in Eastern Ghouta left dozens of civilians dead and scores wounded.

The groups — including the White Helmets, the Douma Coordination Committee and the Ghouta Media Center — said toxic gas inside barrel bombs dropped by helicopters over Douma caused people to suffocate and choke.

Syrian state news agency SANA cited an “official source” who denied the allegations, saying the reports were a “blatant attempt to hinder the army’s advance” into what the news agency described as a “collapsing terrorist” stronghold.

Nici o persoană serioasă de pe planetă n-ar putea lua așa ceva în serios. ISIS este aproape înfrânt, Trump a spus că se va retrage din Siria, nu era absolut nici un motiv să gazeze pe nimeni.

Care este motivul?

Cine are de câștigat?

De ce vorbim despre asta?

Ia vedeți:

După declarațiile conform cărora SUA se va retrage din Syria, Trump face o întoarcere de 180 de grade și se pregătește de război.

Deci cu toate că atât Rusia cât și Assad au spus că se plănuiește acest atac chimic, BA CHIAR SPUNÂND UNDE VA AVEA LOC, au avut tupeul să meargă până la capăt cu el.

Nu doar Rusia Today a scris despre planul înscenării din Martie:

Fragment din Military Times, Martie 13:

On Tuesday, Russian officials claimed that militants are preparing to use chemical agents in Syria, and intend to put the blame on the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to Tass, a state-run news agency in Russia.

Russian Army Gen. Valery Gerasimov said that the United States is planning to then use the chemical attack as a way to “furnish the so-called ‘evidence’ of the alleged mass civilian deaths through the fault of the Syrian government and the Russian leadership supporting it.”

“As a countermeasure, Washington plans to deliver a missile and bomb strike against Damascus’ government districts,” Gerasimov said, according to Tass.

Oare asta se va întâmpla?

Va bombarda America Damascul în urma unei înscenări?

Nu America, ci Israel a fost cel care a bombardat Siria dimineața devreme, ucigând 14 oameni inclusiv militari din Iran.

New York Times:

Syria and Russia blamed Israel on Monday for early morning airstrikes on a Syrian military base that a conflict monitoring group said killed 14 people, including fighters from Iran.

The strikes came a day after President Trump warned that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and his Russian and Iranian backers would have a “big price to pay” after dozens of people were killed near Damascus in what rescue workers said was a chemical attack.

American and French officials denied that their countries had carried out the airstrikes, and a spokesman for the Israeli military declined to comment.

The airstrikes on Monday hit a Syrian military base known as T4, in the central province of Homs, that has been used not only by Syrian forces but also by the Iranian-backed militias that have flocked to the country to help Mr. Assad’s war effort.

Deci Israel bombardează iranieni în Siria pentru…drepturile omului?

Cât de ofensatoare poate fi toată mascarada asta?

Doar minciunile unor dezaxați.

The Russian military said in a statement on Monday that two Israeli F-15 warplanes had launched the strikes, according to the Russian news agency Interfax. The statement said the planes had fired from Lebanese airspace and that Syria’s air defense systems had shot down five of the eight missiles fired.

On Sunday, the National News Agency of Lebanon reported that Israeli surveillance aircraft had been hovering over the country’s northeast, near the border with Syria, for three days.

The latest escalation comes at a pivotal time for the United States, as Mr. Trump charts the American course in Syria. He said last week that he wanted to withdraw the approximately 2,000 American troops based in eastern Syria, where they are fighting the jihadists of the Islamic State, but his vow to respond to the reported chemical attack on Saturday risks pulling him into Syria in other ways.

A fost doar o altă coincidență, desigur…


Adaptat după:https://dailystormer.name/false-flag-yet-another-gassing-hoax-in-syria/ 

Sursă2: https://dailystormer.name/sickening-jew-monsters-bomb-syria-for-human-rights/


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